Breathing Life into the Wireframes: Design Decisions and "Sayata Insights"
With the flexible flows and modular wireframes in place, the next step was to translate them into a visually appealing and user-friendly design. Here's how we approached it:
Building on Existing Foundations:
Leveraging existing design system components formed the core, ensuring consistency and familiarity for users. However, we also introduced subtle refinements to create a more polished and streamlined aesthetic. This laid the groundwork for future features, including the planned RSA platform (see RSA Case Study) and rebuilding features previously built hastily planned to be reconstructed with proper foundations, fostering a cohesive user experience across Sayata's offerings.
The main renewal flow - the steps are laid out in the center, one step is opened at a time to not overwhelm the user, but they can see the next steps in order to reduce the communication to the applicant and ask for everything in a single go. In the right of the screen there are all of the relevant quote details - the important aspects are presented with comparison to the expiring quote, and additional details can be displayed by opening the relevant drawer.
For different flows, like auto renewal, standard renewal, renewal expired and more, different steps can appear in the same layout, using the tile system. Also, there are variations on the steps within a flow depending on the carrier.
Spotlight Feature: Empowering Informed Decisions with Sayata Insights
Sayata Insights empowers brokers with valuable information to guide their clients through the renewal process without feeling intrusive or dictating their choices. Here's how we ensure its effectiveness:
Tailored Insights, Not Generic Sales Pitches:
Six Insight Categories:
Sayata Insights delve into six key areas: Market Comparison, Coverage Optimization, Regulatory Impact, Risk Management, Performance Review, and Renewal Timeline.
Auto-Generated and Tailored:
Each renewal quote triggers the automatic generation of short, concise insights specific to that particular policy, leveraging pre-existing templates and, later, potentially limitless options powered by LLMs.
Focus on Relevance:
The system intelligently selects the most relevant insight to display on the main page, ensuring immediate access to the most valuable information.
Transparency and User Choice:
Complementary Tool, Not a Replacement:
Sayata Insights emphasize that the broker's expertise remains paramount. The feature serves as a complementary tool, offering data-driven insights to support informed decision-making.
Strategic Placement:
Positioned between the "remarket" button and the renewal quote details, Sayata Insights facilitates easy comparison and swift action if needed. It remains distinct from the quote details, avoiding any confusion between factual information and recommendations.
Minimalist Design with Optional Exploration:
The initial view presents a concise overview, encouraging further exploration if desired. Users can choose to delve deeper for comprehensive insights across all six categories.
Adaptability for a Dynamic Market:
Recognizing market fluctuations:
The design allows for easy disabling of the feature for maintenance or adjustments without disrupting the overall user experience, ensuring adaptability to the ever-changing insurance landscape.
Sayata Insights strike a balance between providing valuable information and respecting the broker's expertise. This user-centric approach empowers informed decision-making and fosters trust within the Sayata platform.
The place of the insights component. A single insight is presented to avoid overwhelming.
Examples of the 6 categories, the system auto picks the most relevant one to present.
After the brokers clicks to Explore Further, they are able to view all 6 insights together