Hi, I’m Tal!
A Senior product Designer.
I aim to elevate UX through mentoring, crafting engaging designs that enhance user satisfaction and business growth.
About me
Tal Milner
Hi, I’m Tal! A Senior Product Designer with 8 years of experience. Driven by a passion for enhancing user experiences with cutting edge technologies, I'm devoted to understanding users deeply and crafting designs that delight. Committed to mentoring juniors and fostering growth in UX learning.
+972 54-9732338
Tel Aviv, Israel
Bezalel Academy
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Case Studies
Some of my latest projects
Retail Select Access - A dedicated system by Sayata for insurance retail agents
“Binder DS” - Kickstarting a lean yet scalable design system
Sayata’s quote renewal process - Redesign for better retention
Discount Bank - Bringing the portal to the digital age
Ono Academic College - Website redesign
Things I wrote
Design Ops
How Small Companies Can Benefit from Implementing DesignOps
DesignOps streamlines efficiency and boosts creativity in small teams, driving competitive edge in fast-paced markets.
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AI and Personalization: Redefining User Experience in Product Design
AI personalization is revolutionizing product design, enabling tailored user experiences that boost engagement and satisfaction.
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Creating Impactful Mentorship Programs in Design Teams
Mentorship in design teams enhances growth, creativity, and cohesion by nurturing talent and fostering innovation.
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